About Our Club


The Mission of the Club is the promotion of interest in the study of geology and mineralogy to the extent that it leas to a fuller understanding of these sciences and all their applications, including rock-hounding trips, exploratory field excursions and the knowledge and practice of the lapidary arts.  The Club may also sponsor study groups.

Who We Are

Meetings are normally held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm from September through May in the Community Room of the Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Rd., Sedona, AZ.

Come as a guest if you are not a Member, and bring a guest if you are!

Learn More….

Meeting activities, whether online or as a group physically, include wonderful guest speakers with interesting and informative programs, raffles, Member “Show and Tell,” displays, summer picnics, Christmas parties and our fall Ice Cream Social, along with camaraderie and networking with friendly fellow rockhounds. Other club activities include exciting monthly field trips for many different rocks, fossils, and minerals, and a spectacular annual rock show held every October with a wide selection of vendors and materials to choose from, plus games for kids and fantastic raffle prizes to boot!  Proceeds help fund an annual college scholarship.  

Monthly newsletters, filled with information about field trips, events and speakers, are emailed to Members and available by clicking the button below. 

Club Members on a rock collecting trip.
Christmas Raffle!

Board of Directors

President: Susan Read

Past President: Mark Moorehead

1st Vice President: Dave Maple

2nd Vice President: Rik Fritz

Treasurer: Bill Schwartz

Secretary: Venkat Venkateswaran

Director: Amy Koba

Director: Tom Helgesen

Director: Rita Topp


Field Trips:  Rik Fritz

Education:   Mark Moorehead

Speakers:  Dave Maple

Historian:  Rik Fritz

Membership: Marge Schwartz

Newsletter:  Susan Read

Raffle: Tom Helgesen

Social Chair: Angie Maiorano

Webmaster: Sharon Sherman

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our club, please contact us by filling out the form below.

Join Our Club

Members are eligible to participate in monthly meetings, participate in Member-only guided field trips and attend events and classes.  Members receive special information on events and member directory.

Membership Dues 2024 run October 1 to September 30:  

  • $20 for individual
  • $30 Family
  • $12 (additional) for Name Badge

Download our application form below and mail it to us at:

 Sedona Gem and Mineral Club, PO Box 3284,  Sedona, AZ  86340

Members can renew by sending in membership fee to above address or paying at a club meeting.